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About the MIEZARUTE ART SCHOOL (ミエザルテ・アート・スクール)について



Hello! I’m Adam Smith, cofounder of MIEZARUTE ART SCHOOL, and here’s our story.

It all began when I met Keiko Takahashi on the MA Fine Art course at Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London. By the middle of the course we were working together, and for the following 3 years we collaborated on a wide range of public-facing projects in the UK and mainland Europe.

We then relocated to Japan where we founded artist unit MIEZARUTE and started working within the education sector. In Japan we met so many students and creative professionals who didn’t have access to the support and information they needed to realize their potential, nor the English skills with which to express themselves fully on the global stage.

In 2020 Keiko and I set up MIEZARUTE ART SCHOOL – the education branch of MIEZARUTE – to allow creative professionals, students, and those with an interest in creativity to experience art and English education from the comfort of their own home. Our one-to-one online lessons are fully customized to meet the learning needs of each individual, and we’re committed to helping people achieve their life goals.

So, if you’re an artist or designer who wants to expand overseas, a student who’s thinking of studying a creative subject in English, or someone who’d like to explore your creativity, then book a Personal Consultation at MIEZARUTE ART SCHOOL. And if you have any questions, requests, or suggestions feel free to contact us.

Looking forward to making the next chapter with you!



こんにちは!私はMIEZARUTEART SCHOOL(ミエザルテ・アート・スクール)の講師であり、共同創設者のアダム・スミスです。今日はMIEZARUTEART SCHOOL(ミエザルテ・アート・スクール)設立に至った私のストーリーを少しだけお伝えします。




そこで、2020年私たちは「MIEZARUTE ART SCHOOL(ミエザルテ・アート・スクール)」をMIEZARUTEの教育部門として設立しました。

MIEZARUTE ART SCHOOL(ミエザルテ・アート・スクール)では、みなさまが、自宅でそれぞれのご都合に合わせて学んでいただけるように、また、それぞれの学習ニーズに合わせられうように、1対1のオンラインレッスンで行われます。

海外に活動の場を広げたいアーティストやデザイナーの方たち、海外アート&デザイン留学を目指す学生の方たち、またはあなたの創造性(クリエイティビティ)を探求したい人は、MIEZARUTE ART SCHOOLで個別相談にご予約ください。また、ご質問、ご要望、ご提案がございましたら、こちらからお気軽にお問い合わせいただけると幸いです。



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